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  5. SSH configure

SSH configure

The earlier versions of WoTerm’s ProxyJump were consistent with the session configuration of the SSH client, but in order to express this relationship more intuitively, the latest version has made some modifications.

But this does not prevent us from understanding how it is configured.

Assuming we need to login to the Web-Service-B host and execute some shell commands, the configuration process is as follows:

First, confirm that openssh is greater than or equal to version 7.5, because after this version, the ssh command supports ProxyJump statements to achieve the traversal of multi-layer Jump server.

Next, login remote host with the local certificate is authorized on each host, If it is password login, the certificate step can be omitted, but a password must be entered for each hop traversed.

Finally, create the~/. ssh/config file and write its contents as follows:

# Please make sure that each host can be accessed by the previous host and that the forwarding 
# feature is enabled.
Host Proxy-Jumper
       User  woterm
       Port  22
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Host Web-Service-A
       User woterm
       Port 22
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
       ProxyJump  Proxy-Jumper

Host Web-Service-B
       User woterm
       Port 22
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
       ProxyJump  Web-Service-A

Execute in the client:

ssh Web-Service-B

In this way, the multi-layer Jump server can pass through.