1. Optimize font display, support importing external fonts, and use the best local font by default.
  2. After optimizing the session connection, make its input focus on the SHELL window, so that users can directly input content.
  3. Add the execution program modification of the local terminal, such as the switch between Powershell and cmd.
  4. Optimize the configuration layout.
  5. Optimize the character segmentation of the serial port, and customize the timeout of string segmentation.
  6. Two quick copy options are added to the character terminal, which is turned off by default.
    》》Right click the selected text to quickly paste the selected text without affecting the contents of the system pasteboard.
    》》Left click and drag the selected text to paste the selected text without affecting the contents of the system pasteboard.
  7. Optimize the initial directory of the local terminal to point to the local HOME directory.